Assessment Literacy Video Series



Are you short on time?  

Confused about Assessment jargon?

Do your new teachers need a crash course in Assessment literacy and tools? 


Now there is a simple answer to making the explanation.


LASCD has two series of Assessment Videos ready to go for use in your school.


Plug and Play PD Videos that EXPLAIN ASSESSMENT to YOUR STAFF.  These quick vidoes are great for afternoon meetings and PLCs


Hosted by Respected Educator Professionals


Watch a free preview today!



Series 1:

Successful Assessment 101

     Four 30 minute videos


  • Testing Overview
  • National/Sate Tests
  • District Level Tests
  • Classroom Level Tests


*Your cost today is $99 for 12 months of school-wide access to the videos and resources.  


Series 2:

Local Classroom Assessment

     Eight 45- 60 minute videos


  • Local Assessment Overview
  • Critical Terms and Concepts
  • Standards and Evidence
  • Selected Response
  • Constructive Response
  • Formative Assessment
  • Performance Tasks
  • Common Assessment Review


*Your cost today is $99 for 12 months of school-wide access to the videos and resources.  

Costs:  $99.  for each assessment series.


Ready to use TOMORROW!


Email [email protected] to place an order today!  

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