Group/School Memberships
Do you want to provide immediate support for your staff? Consider Leveraging Title II Funds to increase awareness, and professional training opportunities for your team, school or district.
Group size/cost
25 to 100: $500.00
101 to 500: $1,000.00
1000+: $2,000.00
* Group membership requires a minimum of 25 people
What are the top member benefits?
5 Book ASCD Library ( good for one staff member)
$49 Discount on ANY IL ASCD Conferences or Workshops
Virtual IL ASCD Quarterly Journal delivered to your mailbox
Virtual IL ASCD Weekly Ed Briefs delivered to your mailbox
Virtual Access to IL ASCD School Improvement Day Video Series
The School Improvement Day Video is a 7-part library covering the following topics.
Research-Based Instructional Strategies for Emerging Bilinguals in the Dual Language Classroom with Rocio del Castillo
Student Engagement in Middle and High School with Greg Urbaniak
Student Engagement in Elementary with Monique Belin
Creating a Culture of Conversation in an ELA Classroom with Chris Wagner (3 sections)
Student Focused Improvement: Data-Based Decision Making for Better Learning with Terry Mootz